
Six days and a wake up...

Six days and a wake-up.... Awe, yes... Military jargon has crept back into my vocabulary... It is a short-timers saying, partly because he doesn't have a lot of time left and mainly because he is ready to get to the next duty station or stage in her or his life.... All the mystery that surrounds the transition.... Now that I will embark on "Building Peace in the Wake of War." Here is a link to PeaceTrees Vietnam, with whom we will be working with... 



I must learn and come into account of all the socio-economic and political history that surrounds this beloved homeland of my mother... Not because I have to, but because I want to! What does it all mean to me? Why am I a "child of conflict?" Does this mean that I will always be conflicted? Will I ever reach a place of peace? Or is it just an illusion? Is this why I always follow "Conflict Theory?"

As things are beginning to draw nigh, I will be preparing myself for experience of a lifetime... I have been thinking about identity a lot lately... What do I think about "identity?" Is it the same as I thought about it fifteen, ten, five or even two years ago? What about two seconds ago? Have I learned and grew enough when it regards identity? How can I be sure? Who has the correct answer? Or are we just asking questions really not wanting an answer? Let me know your thoughts...

Peace, Love, and Prayers...


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